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Clinical Evidence

Clinical summaries for stone management and prostate health therapies.

When every minute counts

Stone disease is a common1 and costly2 urological disorder in the US, with urologists spending around half of their procedure time removing them3.

  • As stone procedure duration goes over 90 minutes, the risk of complications increases significantly4
  • Emergency room visits associated with acute stone events can cost between $1,700 – $5,2005*
  • The cost of major stone procedure complications is estimated to be between $4,200 – $13,000 per patient5*

*Also inclusive of URS, PCNL and SWL

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ReTrace® Ureteral Access Sheath

UAS placement reduces surgical time by 10.5 minutes and saves up to $350 in operating room costs per ureteroscopic procedure6.

But traditional UAS placement requires two guidewires and a dual lumen catheter.

Using ReTrace® results in an additional minimum $100 savings in OR time and additional product costs14, 15, 25, 29.


Coloplast TFL Drive
Thulium Fiber Laser

TFL positively impacts ablation efficiency, and requires less heat dissipation while potentially operating at high-power ranges7, 19.

  • Up to 25% less OR time with TFL compared to Holmium laser technology. If you don’t use a UAS, you could see an additional 11% savings pairing ReTrace® with the Coloplast TFL Drive15-22
  • The Coloplast TFL Drive interface enables easy use of optimal peer-reviewed settings while monitoring safety


Dormia® No-Tip 1.5 Retrieval Basket

37% of stones are located in the lower pole23. Dormia 1.5 Fr allows for improved deflection, precision, and efficient capture.

Compared to competitors’ larger baskets, the smaller size of Dormia® No-Tip 1.5Fr makes it possible to deflect the ureteroscope further without forcing – accessing more places in the collecting system to remove stones with less ureteroscope stress21.

In contrast to the estimated savings, the repair rate of scopes is 6.5%, and the average cost per repair is $6,808. This could mean up to $44,252 in scope repair costs every 100 cases24.

Post procedure care

ImaJin® Hydro Ureteral Stent

Complications related to Double J ureteral stents can impact daily activities and reduce quality of life for 60% of patients26.

ImaJin® Hydro is the only hydrophilic silicone stent in the US and in randomized comparative trials, it achieved:

  • 25% reduction in biofilm27
  • 25% more comfort28
  • 36% less encrustation27
  • Additionally approved for up to 12 months indwell

The ImaJin® Hydro Ureteral Stent is a clinically differentiated, precisely placeable, and long-lasting option with a hydrohilic coating and steerable pusher to facilitate ease of advancement in the urinary tract.

  • Clinically proven for greater patient comfort over leading competitor28
  • The remarkable biocompatibility of silicone makes it the gold standard for long term stent placement
  • Greater resistance to encrustation than alternative materials27
  • Additionally to the estimated savings, there is the potential for fewer patient visits to the ER with fewer phone calls

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