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Restorelle® Y-Mesh and Flat Mesh

Purposefully designed

Mesh for Transabdominal Pelvic Organ Prolapse Repair

Restorelle® Y and Y Contour pre-shaped mesh is used as a bridging material for sacrocolposuspension/sacrocolpopexy (transabdominal placement via laparotomy, laparoscopic, or robotic approach where surgical treatment for vaginal vault prolapse is warranted).

  • Pores maintain structural integrity, decreasing the effects of stress shielding.
  • Sacral tail maintains strength during robotic, laparoscopic, or open placement.
  • Visibility allows for intraoperative manipulation and suturing.
  • Mesh junction that touches cuff remains lightweight and macroporous.
Designed by a
for the female pelvic floor
on the market
Ultra lightweight
with high long-term
success rates1

Extensively studied with consistent results

The Restorelle® Ultra Lightweight Mesh compendium summarizes the clinical evidence for efficacy and safety of Restorelle Ultra Lightweight Mesh. Learn more now.

Ordering information

For ordering information, please call 800-258-3476.

Restorelle Y Mesh

Dimensions (cm) Purchase
Qty per
Restorelle Y
24 x 4 EA 1 501420
27 x 4 EA 1 501430
Restorelle Y Contour
24 x 3 EA 1 501520

Restorelle Flat Mesh

Dimensions (cm) Purchase
Qty per
Restorelle M
15 x 10 EA 1 501320
Restorelle L
24 x 8 EA 1 501440
Restorelle XL
30 x 30 EA 1 501330

Restorelle Y Contour + Meridian Kit

Dimensions (cm) Purchase
Qty per
Restorelle Y Contour EA 1 52081
Meridian VPS EA 1 52081