Women’s Health
media kit
Creating awareness for stress urinary incontinence
and pelvic organ prolapse for your institution has never been easier.
Discover the Coloplast Women’s Health media kit for ready-to-use social media content, images, illustrations, and videos.

Quick Links: Content for Twitter | Content for Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn | Permissions | References | Kit de prensa (Español)
Awareness made easy
Physicians are welcome to use this content on their social media channels.
To post, copy the text, paste it in your channel and add your clinic’s phone number.
To download the image, right click on it and select “Save image as” to save it in your desired location.
Images are paired with the copy, please only use the image with its corresponding text.
The content of this site is regularly updated so, please visit this page each time you post to make sure you’re using the most up to date content.
There is an option at the bottom of the page to opt in to receive the latest updates to our page with new posts and imagery.
Content for Twitter
Stress Urinary Incontinence
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Content for Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn
Stress Urinary Incontinence
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Coloplast grants to licensee and licensee accepts a non-transferable, non-assignable, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to display and use the copyrighted images on this page as indicated below. This license does not grant use of Coloplast trademarks, other than what is provided. Coloplast reserves the right to terminate this permission for any reason effective immediately with notice to licensee.
The license grants the licensee to use the materials above for non-commercial and patient education use on digital social media platforms such as, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Text and Images are only to be used in the following manner:
- Copy and Images can only be used by licensee in the manner shown above and is consistent with regulatory approval of devices and products depicted.
- Each post copy is associated with a reference in our citation section at the bottom of our page. Remember to add the corresponding citation to the post.
- Copy and images cannot be used in any disparaging attempts with anything that could harm the reputation of Coloplast and/or its employees.
- Copy and images are only to be used with the corresponding version. Example, copy 1 is only to be used with image 1.
- The license for use does not grant the licensee any rights associated with editing, modifying, changing, tweaking, transforming, or creating derivatives of the materials. Only phone number may be changed.